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Free Download Adobe Camera Raw CC for macOS

Overview of Adobe Camera Raw CC for macOS Benefits

Released in February 2003, the Adobe Camera Raw plugin quickly became a must-have tool for professional photographers. It supports various Adobe applications, including Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, After Effects, and Bridge. Adobe Lightroom is also built upon the same robust raw image processing technology as Adobe Camera Raw.

Adobe Camera Raw CC can process images from not only high-end professional cameras but also midrange ones, making it versatile for a wide range of photographers. However, users must ensure compatibility with their version of Photoshop before downloading and installing.

The plugin supports raw files in the Digital Negative (DNG) format, made publicly available by Adobe.

Key Features of Adobe Camera Raw CC for macOS

One-step HDR Panorama Merge: Seamlessly merge multiple shots into a single HDR panorama.

Depth Range Masking: Easily select and adjust specific areas based on depth.

Process Version 5: Enhanced image processing capabilities.

Support for New Cameras and Lenses: Continuously updated to support the latest equipment.

System Requirements and Technical Details

Processor: Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support

Operating System: macOS 10.12 (Sierra), macOS 10.13 (High Sierra), or macOS 10.14 (Mojave)

RAM: 2 GB or more (8 GB recommended)

Hard Disk Space: 2 GB of available space for program installation

Monitor Resolution: 1024 x 768 display (1280x800 recommended) with 16-bit color

Graphics Processor Acceleration Requirements:

AMD: macOS 10.12 with Metal support.

Intel: macOS 10.12 with Metal support.

NVIDIA: macOS 10.12 with Metal support or macOS 10.11 with OpenGL support.

Video RAM (VRAM): 1 GB (2 GB or more recommended for high-resolution monitors such as 4K and 5K).

How to Download and Install Adobe Camera Raw CC for macOS

Download: Click the provided direct download link to download Adobe Camera Raw CC for macOS.

Install: Open the installer file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Launch: Once installed, launch Adobe Camera Raw CC within Photoshop or other compatible Adobe applications.


Adobe Camera Raw CC for macOS is an indispensable plugin for photographers, offering robust tools for processing RAW images. With support for the latest cameras and lenses, it ensures your photos are of the highest quality. Download and install Adobe Camera Raw CC to enhance your photo editing workflow.


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Adobe Illustrator CC 2019

Free download Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC,

Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 Overview

Adobe Illustrator is a program produced by the Adobe Corporation for creating designs from the vector graphics type. The latest version of Illustrator CC represents the twenty-fourth generation of the software product line. It includes many new and improved features, including the ability to have multiple artboards within a single file, and paintbrushes similar to those found in Adobe Flash.

Features of Adobe Illustrator CC 2019

An imposing application which can be used for creating resolution graphics as well as printed materials.

Can easily create illustrations, digital graphics, web, video and the mobile content.

Equipped with Mercury Performance System which will improve the workflow.

Got a very user friendly and intuitive user interface which is very easy to work with.

Can smoothly move through different workspaces and maintain layout changes till you decide to reset them all.

Equipped with all the necessary tools that can ensure best accuracy for your vector graphics.

Equipped with the image tracing engine which makes sure that the vectors that have been created are accurate and have got a very clean look.

Equipped with a very rich brushes palettes and it also allows you to create the new ones.

Got live distortion, 3D effects, Gaussian blur and Shape Builder features.


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